Times Tables

National Curriculum Times Tables

All children in England take an online timed times tables check at the end of Year 4. Our resources will help to prepare children by supporting their learning and understanding of times tables.

Packed full with practice, problem-solving activities, games and quick-fire quizzes to build fluency of times-tables facts. Each book uses concrete resources, problem-solving and reasoning to help children master multiplication and division.

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Times Tables Flashcards

Times Tables Flashcards

Make times tables fun with some easy-to-play games – this set of 150 cards covers all tables facts from x2 to x 12. Each table is colour-coded for ease of sorting with lots of helpful guidance for parents, and a set of ‘wild cards’ include whole table facts for quick fire practice.

Times Tables: Test Yourself

Our free online practice is just like the real thing and will help children prepare with confidence for the new multiplication check.