James Dashner: 5 Things I Can’t Write Without

James Dashner - 5 Things I Can't Write Without

Or, for grammar snobs: 5 Things Without Which I Cannot Write

We asked James Dashner, author of the brilliant Maze Runner Series, to tell us about the five things that help him write.

1. Movie soundtracks: Some of my best writing has happened under the influence of scores from my favorite films. I always imagine my stories cinematically before translating them to the written word, and doing so while listening to awesome movie music gets me in the mood every time. Examples: Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Aliens, Braveheart, Man of Steel.

2. Super-thin, super-light laptop: I have a few friends who write out their books long-hand before transferring them to an electronic format. I think these friends are insane and should seek help. I can’t even fathom doing this. I take my teeny tiny Apple MacBook wherever I go, and it’s my favorite thing on this planet.

3. Creative breaks: It’s taken years to convince my family that when I watch movies or TV shows or read books during my workday, I’m not just goofing off. It’s a vital part of how my mind works, feeding on that creative energy and inspiration to jump back into writing my next scene. These breaks also serve as motivation to finish something that’s hard for me, especially edits. Hey, just because your job is fun doesn’t mean it’s not work!

4. A comfy place to sit: I’m actually not sure about most other writers, but as for me, I despise a desk. Maybe it’s because I used to be an accountant and I associate a desk with auditing and budgets. (I just threw up a little in my mouth.) I much prefer a cushy chair or couch, my laptop in my, well, lap. Now that’s how writing is meant to be done. My brand-new office/library doesn’t even have a desk!

5. Food and drink: Writing makes me hungry. And thirsty. I have to be careful with this one: sitting on a couch and food does not a good combination make. But give me some cashews and a Diet Coke and I’m one happy dude. (This, despite some of my friends telling me that Aspertame is slowly rotting me from the inside out.) Thanks to my British publishers, I’m also very fond of “biscuits and tea.” Perfect for one of those afternoon creative breaks!

Buy the Maze Runner series today!

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